All coaches, assistant coaches, and team managers must read and adhere
to these codes of conduct to participate in our program. All Coaches will sign-off on these via our Coach Application Form.
As a coach participating in West Hill Softball programs, you are expected to:
1. Complete police check and required training including the Respect in Sport Leader course as required by Calgary Minor Softball.
2. Model good sportsmanship by treating everyone fairly, with respect and dignity including players, parents, coaches and officials.
3. Avoid the use of profanity, violent behavior, bullying, unsportsmanlike conduct and abuse of any kind towards other parents, athletes, coaches or officials.
4. Teach all players the skills of the game, the values of teamwork and the meaning of good sportsmanship.
5. Provide encouragement and positive direction to players remembering that athletes play to have fun.
6. Uphold the rules, regulations and policies of the West Hill Softball Program.
7. Provide a safe playing environment for the athletes.
8. Ensure that all athletes get equitable instruction, opportunity, support and playing time.
9. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities in line with the Respect in sport training.
10. Ensure the activities being undertaken are suitable for the age, experience, ability and fitness level of the players I coach.
11. I will work to resolve all parent-coach or athlete-coach conflicts related to playing time, in-game decisions, coaching methodologies, personality conflicts or otherwise. Coaches are encouraged to wait 24hrs from the time of the event or activity before contacting a parent or athlete for discussion.
12. Maintain for my team, an environment that is free from drugs (including cannabis), tobacco, and alcohol. Refrain from their use or being under the influence of these substances at all WHS games and practices.
13. I will fairly evaluate my players during the season and work with my co-coaches to submit a player evaluation form at the end of the season.
Thank you for taking the time to read our codes of conduct.
If you encounter any issues with individuals NOT adhering to our codes of conduct, please reach out in confidence to our Conflict & Appeals Coordinator, Shireen at