WHS Learn to Play Program (U7)

UPDATE:  Registration will be open through March 31


For reference: 
2024 Parent Orientation PDF
Parent Meeting Video

More information about the Softball Canada Timbits program

Learn to Play remain TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS


Eligible Players

All athletes (all genders) born in  2018 & 2019 (age 5 or 6 as of Dec. 31, 2024) are eligible to play in the Learn to Play Program.  Players born in 2020 (Jan-Mar) may request special inclusion.


To introduce the sport of Softball to players, learn the basics of the game (Throwing, catching, fielding, running, and batting) in a FUN environment

Volunteer-Based Program

Teams will be run jointly on game nights by parent coaches and parent volunteers. WHS will provide coaching orientation to the parent coaches, including coaching manuals and online resources and guidance on how to run game night activities successfully through the season.


Activities foster the involvement of ALL players who will experience excitement, enjoyment, and success.  Activities and lead-up games are patterned after informal playground games that promise FUN and LOTS OF ACTION

Game Night Content

Typical game nights involve 30-45 minute softball skill-based activities with your own team, and a 30 minute fun game-like scrimmage with another team

Happy Players!

Participants will go home after each night, happy and tired while improving their fitness level and learning about Teamwork, Fair Play, and Sportsmanship.


Field Locations

All Game nights will be at local SW fields within WHS District (no travelling across the city!)

Game Nights: Tue & Thu

Program runs on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:15pm to 7:30pm during the season. 

Length of Season

Learn to Play is an outdoor Spring sport, with season dates running from late April to the end of June 

Equipment Requirements

All you need is a good pair of running shoes (cleats optional), glove, water, and sunscreen!   WHS will provide shared helmets (you can buy your own), bats, balls, and all other equipment required. 

Low Cost Sport!

For your $150 fee (If registered by March 15), your athlete will get up to 20 game nights including Opening day, a Softball Alberta T-shirt, WHS Hat, medal, and a ball to keep! 


Contact Us

Questions?  Want to help volunteer?  Reach out to our VP Learn to Play, Rafael Ford!  Email him at:  vplearntoplay@westhillsoftball.ca


Our Program is based on the Softball Canada Timbits Program. 

For more information about the program, please visit the Softball Canada website


Frequently Asked Questions

Can boys play softball too?

Yes!  We offer a mixed group of players at this age so that siblings can participate together if possible.  Once players reach the U9 age category, they are split into different girls/boys programs.

Is it tee ball?

No!  But we do use a batting tee to teach batting. Players at ALL levels use the batting tee while practicing!  Learn to Play will start with the tee early in season during games to develop skill, but the batting goal of the program is to develop each child to be able hit a pitched ball by the end of the season.

Can my child born in 2020 play with their older sibling?

If your child has turned 5 prior to April 1st, an exception may be granted to play.  Consideration must be given for the safety of the child playing against girls/boys 2 years older.  Please reach out to vplearntoplay@westhillsoftball.ca to request a review.

Are you ready to play?!?

Not quite sure yet?

Why not email Rafael with any questions at vplearntoplay@westhillsoftball.ca, we would love to chat with you!